The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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EVENTMAN (tm) Personal Event Manager (c)
Version 2.0
A personal event and perputual calendar manager for
IBM(R) PC-compatible and PS/2(R) personal computers.
TASCS Company
P.O. Box 2326
Redondo Beach, California 90278
(c) Copyright 1990 all rights reserved
Thank you for using this EVENTMAN shareware package from TASCS.
Please print this short file that briefly describes the EVENTMAN
program and how to use it. We sincerely hope you find this
program useful and elect to continue using it.
EVENTMAN is a menu-driven event manager that helps you maintain
important dates and events on your personal computer and print
lists of those events in any of several formats including weekly,
monthly, or to cover any period of your choosing. Using its
companion program WHATSUP, you can list all upcoming events
quickly on your computer screen. If you use your computer daily,
add WHATSUP to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and you will never forget
that birthday or anniversary again!
* Menu-driven and easy to use
* On-line help from each menu
* Print option to output lists of events
* Uses Microsoft-compatible mouse for input
* Search for upcoming events with a single command
or run automatically as you start your computer
* Choice of number of days in advance to search for
events, from one to thirty
* Screen saving feature displays moving clock after period
of inactivity to avoid damaging screen
* With appropriate license from TASCS, use on a local area
network - the system administrator maintains the data
file(s), users automatically search events
EVENTMAN is designed to work best installed on a hard disk or on
a 720K (or greater) diskette. If you do not have a hard disk you
will still find EVENTMAN very useful. EVENTMAN is also a great
program for your laptop computer so you can remind yourself of
those important dates when travelling. Limitations are listed in
the manual file MANUAL.TXT.
This shareware package consists of the following files:
EVENTMAN.EXE (the executable EVENTMAN file)
EVENTCHK.EXE (Name finding engine used by WHATSUP)
INSTALL.BAT (Hard disk installation; use 'INSTALL C:')
INSTVNT.EXE (Used by INSTALL.BAT to install on hard disks)
EVENTCHK.VNT (Default EVENTMAN phone/address book file)
CALENDAR.VNT (An EVENTMAN file with calendar information)
EVENTMAN.TXT (Information file for EVENTMAN; can read while
running EVENTMAN)
MANUAL.TXT (Manual for EVENTMAN - Sorry, not available
at this date but EVENTMAN is easy to use)
READ.ME2 (This file)
INFO.TXT (Misc. info; displayed when INSTALL runs)
EVENTMAN.BAT (DOS batch file for starting EVENTMAN on hard
disk from any directory)
WHATSUP.BAT (Use from the DOS prompt to find names from
your phone books; utilizes EVENTCHK.EXE)
Quick Installation Instructions
There is a hard disk installation utility that is activated by
typing 'INSTALL C:', where C: is the designator of the hard
disk you want to install to. If you received this software
"zipped" or "arc'd" and decompressed the program to a floppy
diskette, make sure all necessary files are on a single
diskette. INSTALL needs all files for installation except
MANUAL.TXT. You should print this file (and READ.ME2) but it is
not used or copied by the INSTALL utility. If you decompressed
directly to your hard disk, you can run the installation from
there. Simply change the default directory to the location of
the files and type the install command as described above. Do
not try to install from the default directory to the same
If you elect to not use INSTALL, create a directory called TASCS
on your hard disk using the command "MD \TASCS". Copy all files
from the EVENTMAN distribution package to this directory. Copy
the files EVENTMAN.BAT and WHATSUP.BAT to a subdirectory that is
included in your PATH. If your hard disk is not C: or you do
not place the EVENTMAN files in C:\TASCS, you will need to edit
the .BAT files for them to work correctly. If you use INSTALL,
these files are corrected automatically. For more details,
please see the file MANUAL.TXT.
Place all files except MANUAL.TXT, READ.ME2, and EVENTMAN.BAT on
a single diskette. Place this new diskette in A:, and enter
EVENTMAN at the DOS prompt.
Note that EVENTMAN begins by loading information required to
operate. These files will not exist prior to running EVENTMAN
so be sure your disk has at least 50 kBytes of available space.
If your disk does not have room for event data files, select
'File' from the menu bar, then select 'Load' from the menu that
appears. Then identify the new disk where files are (or will be)
located, then load or create your file.
EVENTMAN (tm) License Agreement
EVENTMAN (tm), WHATSUP, and EVENTCHK programs are the exclusive
property of Thomas A. Spiglanin and TASCS Company (TASCS). You
may use this program for a period of 25 days without registration
to determine its suitability to meet your needs. If you elect to
continue using these programs you must purchase a registration
from TASCS. If you do not agree to the terms specified, you must
destroy all copies of the software in your possession.
EVENTMAN (tm) may be distributed as SHAREWARE provided that the
entire package as received remains intact. The file READ.ME2
lists the files that were included in this distribution. All
included software is Copyrighted and may be used only as
specified in this agreement. You may not modify these programs
in any way. The software may not be used on any computer network
without the written consent of TASCS and not without registration.
TASCS hereby disclaims all warranties relating to this
software, whether express or implied, including without
limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose. TASCS will not be liable for any
special, consequential, indirect, or similar damages due to loss
of data or any other reason, even if TASCS has been advised of
the possibility of such damages. In no event shall TASCS's
liability for any damages ever exceed the price paid for the
license to use the software, regardless of the form of the claim.
The person using the software bears all risk as to the quality
and performance of the software.
* * * * *
Thomas A. Spiglanin
TASCS Company
P.O. Box 2326
Redondo Beach, California 90278
Please note Shareware is NOT FREEware! While we authors of
Shareware programs cannot control your actions or account for
travels of our software, we rely on your support for the system
to work. This EVENTMAN program is no exception. If you like and
use EVENTMAN, PLEASE license the software. This low-cost action
provides you with lifetime registration and guarantees you of
notification when upgrades become available. Understand that
Shareware authors have no incentive to continue to enhance or to
create new programs without the support of you and your friends.
If you choose to use EVENTMAN, you must register with TASCS
providing you with lifetime registration. Registration without
response from TASCS Company is only $17. For $22, you will also
receive a copy of the latest versions of all software, including
a printed copy of the manual when it becomes available. All regi-
stered users will receive special offers from TASCS that become
available. Please register today!
Corporations may license single copies of this software at
the same cost as for individuals, provided that the terms of the
license agreement are met. Contact TASCS at the address below
for information regarding site licenses and licenses to use
EVENTMAN on local area networks.
If you would like to continue to use EVENTMAN, please send a
copy of the completed registration form along with your check for
the correct amount to:
TASCS Company
P.O. Box 2326
Redondo Beach, California 90278
I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the software use
license included in the Shareware package.
____ I enclose a check for $17 to cover the costs of distribution
and development of the EVENTMAN software. My registration is
"lifetime" and includes upgrades available from many bulletin
____ I enclose a check for $22 to cover the costs of distribution,
development, and latest versions of EVENTMAN software. I will
also receive a printed manual as soon as one is available,
along with new versions of software. Please send my software
on (select ONE):
___5.25" ___3.5" diskettes.
Signature ________________________________________________
Name ________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________
The following information will help us to better serve you in the
future. This information is optional and will only be used by TASCS
to improve our products for our users.
System type _________________________ DOS Version ________________
System Memory ____________ kBytes
Disk Cache software __________________________________________________
Hard Disk Capacity ___________ MBytes / ___ None
Display: ___ mono ___ CGA ___ EGA ___ VGA ___ 8514/A ___ other
Printer: ___________________________________________________________
Microsoft-compatible mouse? _____ yes / _____ no
How did you obtain this program? ___friend ___SHAREWARE distributor
___BBS (which?_____________________)
Please make checks payable to TASCS Company. Please allow
3-4 weeks to process your registration.
Send to TASCS, P.O. Box 2326, Redondo Beach, Calif. 90278
PHONEMAN(tm) Personal Phone Book Manager
for PC and PS/2 Compatible Computers
PHONEMAN is a phone and address book manager that helps you
maintain information vital to your daily life on your personal
computer. To facilitate access to these records, PHONEMAN uses
menus to guide you to its many features to add new information,
delete records no longer needed, modify existing data, print
phone lists and address labels, and dial the phone. When adding
or modifying data, PHONEMAN uses templates that make entering
information consistent and easy. This consistency makes it
possible to create phone lists and address labels from the same
data using any of several predefined formats.
* Easy to use
* Maintain phone and address books with up to 1000
records per book, depending on available memory
* Accept input using a template for uniformity and
* Create mailing lists or phone lists using any standard
text printer; special support for Hewlett-Packard
PCL printers (Laser Jet family, Desk Jet, Paint Jet)
and Epson dot matrix printers
* Print one address label or a label for each address in
the computerized phone book, any number of copies.
* Automatic alphabetical sorting by last name
* Locate names simply by pressing the key corresponding
the first letter of the desired surname
* Automatically dial numbers using a Hayes(R)-compatible
autodial modem
* Supports Microsoft(R) Mouse and Logitech(R) Mouse for
facile access to features
* Screen-saving feature blanks screen and displays moving
clock after a period of inactivity - restore screen by
pressing any key
* Find names, addresses, and phone numbers from the DOS
command prompt with the supplied WHOIS program
* With the appropriate license from TASCS, PHONEMAN can
be used on a local area network - maintain one copy of
each data file that every user can search
____ I enclose a check for $22 to cover the costs of distribution,
development, and a copy of the shareware version of PHONEMAN
software. My registration is "lifetime" and includes upgrades
available from many bulletin boards.
____ I enclose a check for $30 to cover the costs of distribution,
development, latest versions of PHONEMAN software, and a printed
manual. I will also receive version 2.0 by mail at no additional
cost as soon as it is available.
Please send my software on (select ONE):
___5.25" ___3.5" diskettes.
Signature ________________________________________________
Name ________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________
The following information will help us to better serve you in the
future. This information is optional and will only be used by TASCS
to improve our products for our users. Do not fill out if you are a
registered user of another TASCS Company product.
System type _________________________ DOS Version ________________
System Memory ____________ kBytes
Disk Cache software __________________________________________________
Hard Disk Capacity ___________ MBytes / ___ None
Display: ___ mono ___ CGA ___ EGA ___ VGA ___ 8514/A ___ other
Printer: ___________________________________________________________
Microsoft-compatible mouse? _____ yes / _____ no
Please make checks payable to TASCS Company. Please allow
3-4 weeks to process your registration.
Send to TASCS, P.O. Box 2326, Redondo Beach, Calif. 90278
* Attention *
* Organizations * * Computer Retailers * * Corporations *
TASCS can provide you with customized versions of PHONEMAN or
EVENTMAN software complete with printed manuals and the utilities
described herin. With a minimum order of twenty-five copies of
* Customize the initial welcome screen to include your
company or organization's name, address, and phone
number. TASCS will take second-billing with only a
single line copyright notice at the bottom of the
* Place your organization or company's name, address, and
telephone number in the default address book that loads
automatically when PHONEMAN starts.
* Place your information for your organization or company
in the default event file that loads automatically when
EVENTMAN starts.
* Modify the informational message displayed by WHATSUP
(EVENTMAN) or WHOIS (PHONEMAN) while searching data files
to include your company or organization's name.
* Add a message of your choice to the title page of the
manual, also including your organization or company
name, address, and phone number.
Other options may also be available. Contact TASCS for information.
Number of copies Price per copy
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| |
| 1-49 $17 |
| 50-99 $14 |
| 100+ $10 |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_
TASCS company believes strongly that network licensing should be
encouraged by reasonable pricing policies, not discouraged by
high-priced software. Our policy regarding networks is to require
licenses only for actual use. We do NOT require a license for every
user of a computer on a network simply because they have a network
connection. For example, if a small office network provides 20 PCs
with access to a file server but only 10 of these are used by
individuals that use EVENTMAN, a license for 10 users is required to
maintain the program on the file server. We do ask your cooperation
in making this policy work.
Comments and Information Request Form
TASCS sincerely hopes you enjoy using EVENTMAN. If you have any
comments, good or bad, please let us know. We have a list of
features we plan to incorporate into the next release of the
EVENTMAN software. Your opinion is important to us. Please let
us know so we can improve EVENTMAN to better meet your needs.
This form or any other may be used to tell us what you think.
Please mail to :
TASCS Company
P.O. Box 2326
Redondo Beach, California 90278
____________________________________________________________T_h_a_n_k_ _Y_o_u_!_
I am interested in ___site licenses
___network licenses
___customizing TASCS programs
Please (check one) ___send me information ___contact me
Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone (optional) __________________________________________
Survey: TASCS is evaluating support alternatives. Please rank the
following: ___Phone, toll charge ___Phone, Toll-free
___TASCS-run BBS ___Compuserve
___Prodigy ___Telenet